I'm a self-taught programmer from Germany. I started programming when I was 8 years old.
Since then it is a passion for me.
I'm currently 20 years old and I'm currently studying computer science at the University of
Darmstadt with Telekom as a practice partner.
Not only programming is my passion, but actually almost everything that has to do with computers.
I finished high school(Gymnasium) in the year 2022. I think my first interest in
computers came from my father. Actually playing Minecraft and starting to make
modpacks was my first interest in coding. Since then I have been coding some stuff that you can find below.

Over the time I have worked on different projects. Some of them I actually finished.
Below you can see some of them. If you want to see more, just click on the link.
Everything else can be found on my Github page.
It's a Discord bot that makes sure there's always a free voice channel on the server. When someone joins a channel that has been declared always available, a new channel is created for future users. When the last user leaves a channel, the bot will check if there is another free channel of the same type, and if so, it will delete the current one.link
This is a website I made for a school project. It's a fully functional shop that sells animals.link
This is a web application created for our school photography class. It was there so that everyone could upload their photos for each topic/task and then vote for the best one.link
This is a PowerShell script that was created to connect to an Android device wirelessly via ADB. You only had to connect your device once via USB, and then you can use the script to connect it wirelessly. Now it's kind of outdated, because if you're using a new Android device, you can do the same thing just in the Dev options. But it's still useful for older devices.link

Self Assessment
Time (Since 30. July. 2021)